Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 22 & Day 2: Let's Celebrate Every Week!

This is my 22nd week and every week is a celebration!  There are big milestones such as NT scan, A/S, V-day, Glucose test, etc, and we all aim to get to those milestones safely.  However, I've started feeling that every week is a milestone since I learned about what V-day (Viability Day) is.  It happens at 24 weeks when the pregnancy becomes viable.This means that if the baby is born premature at this point, it has higher chances of surviving outside the uterus and the Dr’s will make every effort to save the fetus.

Days have been going by slower for me since I started being aware of the V-day.  Every day and every week add more viability to my baby, so when a new week comes (For me, it comes on every Sunday!), I feel like dancing and celebrating the weekly milestone!!!  My baby girl is a size of Papaya this week, but I think she might double after the big feast from thanksgiving this week....Then, I have an OB check-up following week, so I am dreading to step on a scale, ugh!    

I was browsing another bump board this morning and saw someone posted this link, so I read it.  I wanted to share this link on my blog because this little baby was born at 24th week!!!
First of all, I am very happy that he is in the good hands of NICU and hope he keeps growing healthy.  Second of all, he is so tiny, but he looks like a HUMAN, wow!  I guess I didn't know exactly what baby would look like around 6 months.  Although I read bump report every week to learn the progress of a baby, I couldn't visualize what a baby would like.  It's incredible to know that I have a tiny human which is a size of Papaya, in my belly.        

I feel her poking everywhere, so I wonder how big my uterus is now!  So many things about pregnancy amaze me.  My baby doesn't have to breath, but she is getting all the nutrition from me and growing everyday.  She can somehow swim from left to right and up to bottom of my uterus.  My uterus will expand as the baby grows.  My breasts are ready to provide milk for her.  I read that a baby at this stage sleeps 12-14 hours a day.  She can already hear us! 

I am truly thankful for the amazing journey we are experiencing.  Every night, my DH puts his hands on my belly and when we both feel the kick of our daughter, nothing else in the world matters anymore....

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