Today was my monthly OB appointment and they tested me for a glucose challenge screening. Seems like my recent OB visits always fall in right after holidays, ugghhh!
What is Glucose Testing?
This test is performed early in the third trimester (usually 24-28 weeks) to determine how well your body is processing sugars. If your glucose levels are too high, you may have the potential to develop "Gestational Diabetes".
Some of the effects of diabetes on the fetus are: Heart defects and defects of the respiratory system, large sized baby, a baby with low blood sugar level, a baby with possible risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, death, etc. (Death scares me!!!!!)
The one I had today was called "Glucose Challenge Screening". I drank a sugary liquid (tasted kinda like an orange coolaid) at home an hour before my OB appointment. I was instructed to drink it within 5-10 minutes. They took 2 b/w samples. They will call me next day if the result isn't good. Then, I will need to do a a follow-up test called "Glucose Tolerance Testing".
While waiting in the OB's office, a magazine had an article about this testing and listed "Are you at risk?", so I read it. Looks like I have some risk factors....
You are at higher risk for GD if you:
- Are black, hispanic, Asian, Native American or Pacific Islander
- Are older than 25
- Have a family history of type II diabetes
- Have a personal history of prediabetes or gestational diabetes
- Have had a very large baby or a still birth in a previous pregnancy
- Have a prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) of 30 or highter.
- Gain excess weight in your first trimester, esp. if you start your pregnancy overweight
- Drink 5 or more sugar-sweetened sodas a week before conceiving
- Have a gum disease
- Are a frequent snorer
Glucose Coolaid |
FX for a good result! My baby's HB was excellent so my next OB appointment is a month away. I am now in the 3rd trimmester and it makes me so happy that it has been an uneventful pregnancy! So proud of my baby girl and I hope she keeps growing healthy!!!!
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