Sunday, July 1, 2012

CD 35: ER CD 36: Fert Report

CD: 35 - My Egg Retrieval Day
It was my ER on Saturday morning.  We woke up early b/c we had to be in a clinic by 7:15 am.  I was told to take valium @ 6:45.  My bloating was better than yesterday, but I was ready to pop out my eggs!  I really felt like a mother of litters of puppies LOL

The nurse took my blood pressure and put IV after I got dressed in a hospital gown.  No make up, no jewelry and I had to wear a cap, so I look pretty hideous.  Then, I was taken to a surgery room.  I asked her "What is the average number of eggs to be retrieved?"  She said "6-10.  We don't collect the ones that are too small b/c they won't make it"  

RE got stuck in a traffic so he was running late for 30 minutes.  It was about 8:30 when he came in.  One of the IVF nurse said "I am going to sedate you now" and that was the only thing I remember.  I remembered seeing 3 ppl by my feet but I cannot remember anything.  When I woke up, I was in a recovery room and my DH was looking at me.  I was so groggy from sedation.  My head was spinning.  I managed to drink grape juice, but I passed out again.  Looks like I was there for a hour and I was finally feeling better.  The nurse said "We collected 9 eggs.  I will call you before 11 am tomorrow and let you know how many are fertilized."  

I wasn't feeling good in the car and as soon as I got home, I threw up.  I started feeling cramp, so I took 2 Tylenol and went to bed.  I slept for 5 hours and I started feeling better.  I am so happy that they collected 9 eggs, but I am now worried how many will be fertilized.  Waiting is so hard and scary that I wish I could hit "fast-forward" button!!!

CD 36:  Fertility Report
I started taking progesterone gel.  It's a virginal type and I have to do it in the morning and at night.  I heard that some girls have to take as a shot in their butt, so I feel bad about them!!!

We were in the church when a nurse called.  I was so anxious when I saw a missed call & voicemail as we were coming out of the church, my heart jumped.  We got into the car, turned up the phone speaker, and listened the voicemail.  The nurse said "6 out of 9 are fertilized and they are looking good.  We will do 3 days transfer so it will be on Tuesday"  I felt so relieved that 6 made it.  As I understand, 5 days transfer is better, so I was a bit bummed that they are doing 3DT, but I am not going to complain.  We most likely transfer 2 embies.  

I am still sore and it's hard to walk for a long time, but I really need to be in a perfect shape for ET.  I will definitely take it easy until Tuesday and hope all the 6 embies grow!!!    

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